Increased length of stay and longer waiting lists put additional pressure on the system

Escalation of conditions and symptoms for vulnerable people, often caused by poor communication, leads to increased admissions and longer lengths of stay

Waiting times are increasing with clinical staff repeatedly performing tasks that could be undertaken through supported self care

Users with a forensic history do not comply with community care needs, leading to a revolving door of acute care and breach of required behaviours
Hear Me Now enables
Contact us to discuss your goals
Enhanced provision and communication across sectors enabling fewer hospital admissions and shorter hospital stays

Clinical staff to treat, care and support more efficiently using HMN tools for sharing care delivery techniques, saving time and enabling staff to see more people, shortening waiting lists

Using multimedia (including video) to discuss and record treatments and behavioural plans, means that Hear Me Now records “the truth” and is available to service users, carers and clinical staff 24/7
Hear Me Now delivers
Contact us to discuss your goals
30% reduction in healthcare contacts
A 12-month trial of Hear Me Now with 200 service users demonstrated a 30% reduction in the number of contacts made with LD service users for those using the Hear Me Now service. Resources could be redeployed or capacity reduced.

£54,750 in year benefit
Reported by NHS Digital during the Social Care Pathfinder programme produced by service efficiencies using Hear Me Now in the Care Sector by improving sequencing and self care reducing staff time requirement

Evidencing CQC Compliance
Better compliance with care orders as all people involved in an individuals care are clear about care requirements 24/7
Contact us to learn how we can help you
Speak to us about how Hear Me Now can help your organisation to increase independence for people with cognitive impairments in your area.