Hear Me Now can be used in so many ways to suit your particular needs. Here’s how what you can do with Hear Me Now

Hear Me Now lets app users create boxes (as many as they want) to store things that are important to them.
- Users give each box a name that’s meaningful.
- Users can either take a photo or use a photo already saved on their device to help identify each box.
- Users can order boxes on the main app screen, ensuring the most frequently-used boxes remain at the top of the screen.

Words, Pictures, Video, Audio and Web URLs
In all cases content can either be created using the app (record up-to 30 seconds of video, for example) or users can add already-created content that’s stored on the device. Content is ordered by the date it was added to a box. Users can re-order content as they choose, ensuring that important information remains at the top of the box.
All written content can be spoken to the user by the app, simply by clicking the Text-To-Speech icon.

About Me
Hear Me Now allows app users store important information about themselves in a special box. About Me information is the most important details that a person wants to share with professionals in health and social care. This information might include how best to communicate with them, how to help them feel at ease or details about how they like to take medication. The more the app users can fill in the better the service and help they can expect from people who have access to it. It has been developed along with the Professional Records Standards Body (PRSB) and NHS Digital. App users can add whatever content they like that they consider essential, including words, pictures, video and audio.

Contacts & Sharing
Users can record the details of friends, family and carers in the contacts facility. Users can also share their boxes with anyone in their contacts list. Contacts will be notified by e-mail and can log-in to Hear Me Now’s web interface on their browser. The web interface lets contacts:
- Stay in touch with the app user’s latest activities.
- Suggest content additions to the boxes they can see (app users will be able to accept or decline additions).
- Send app users alerts. The app user will see the alert next time their app synchronises with the server.
Carers, clinicians and supporters can use Questionnaires to communicate with app users quickly and easily in an engaging way. By creating bespoke surveys in their online account clinicians can send questionnaires direct to one-or-many app users at a time, adding easy-read images that app users can relate to. Surveys can be responded to directly in the app and the analysed for changes in mood, diet or health for example. Its been widely used recently by GPs to improve the Annual Health Check process for people with LD and has proved positive helping to boost the overall AHC uptake and improve the health of their patients.

My Week
An in-app tool to help users plan their lives better. A rolling 14-day planner, My Week helps users make the best use of their time, planning what activities to do and when, adding events to their regular exercise routines, even helping make the most of shopping trips and mealtimes. Regular users become accustomed to their weekly activities adding familiarity and structure to their lives.
App users can personalise their app:
- Set their preferred name and profile photo.
- Select the app’s colour from a series of preset themes.
- Change the app’s font size.
- Change the position of the app’s navigation bar.
- Set the app to highlight words as they are spoken by the Text-To-Speech feature.
- Select the timing of appointment reminders.
- Set an in-app PIN as an additional security feature (the PIN will be required each time the app is opened).

Additionally, users can use the app’s appointment facility to create appointments:
- Create appointments and add a reminder so users don’t forget important meetings.
- Create repeating appointments to add regular events to a user’s diary.

Contact us to learn how we can help you
Speak to us about how Hear Me Now can help your organisation to increase independence for people with cognitive impairments in your area.