Mitigating risk for service users

Hear Me Now supported risk mitigation, preventing the breaching of a community treatment order and provides a record of the truth, available to all, 24/7, reducing the risk to the user, staff and wider community.

Dimensions is a national provider of a wide range of services to people with learning disabilities and a range of other neurodiversity needs. As a part of the Hear Me Now (HMN) deployment for people in Hertfordshire, a unit run by Dimensions was selected to work with Maldaba.
A number of the users were under community treatment orders. The service users tended to come close to infringing the requirements of their orders. Users could not always recall the details of the orders and complained that they were not always reminded of those details by staff. Action that staff committed to do were sometimes questioned by the service users who claimed the staff had not done what was said.
Staff and service users decided to video their meeting when they discussed the requirements of the order. The video was captured and stored in a box within HMN.
The video has been used as an agreed shared record of the truth, trusted by both service users and staff. The video is stored safely in the app and available 24/7 for either the user or the staff member to watch and remind them of both the requirements of the order and the actions that both agreed to take to mitigate risks.
This has enabled service users to remember their commitments and requirements, and helped them to avoid breaking their community treatment orders when they otherwise were likely to do so.
This evidence shows the importance of account ability and a shared “truth”. We’re pleased Hear Me Now has enabled that transparency and supported people to remain safe and secure.
Lorenzo Gordon
Director of Maldaba who provide Hear Me Now
- Hear Me Now mitigates the risk of breaching a community treatment order and provides a recording of the truth available to all 24/7, reducing the risk to the user, staff and wider community.
- Hear Me Now has helped service users remain within their community treatment order directions, demonstrating better compliance with care orders.
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Speak to us about how Hear Me Now can help your organisation to increase independence for people with cognitive impairments in your area.