Inefficient services increases costs and leads to downturn in quality of care

Staff turnover and bank staff means that continuity of care for service users diminishes the quality of care and costs more

Lack of integration with other services who work with vulnerable people impacts of quality of care and outcomes

CQC requirements to provide evidence of personalised care for service users is a challenge that costs staff time
Hear Me Now enables
Contact us to discuss your goals
Frontline staff to care and support more efficiently with reduced duplication, saving time and enabling staff to support more people

Clear demonstration to commissioners of improved care delivery and consistent quality of care

A clear accountable record of personalised care to evidence CQC Key Lines of Enquiry
Hear Me Now delivers
Contact us to discuss your goals
Reduced handover time
Use of Hear Me Now by care provider Hft during the NHS Digital Social Care Pathfinder programme demonstrates efficient staff handover and clear time-saving

Digital Annual Health Checks
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG has shown efficiencies and improvement in the uptake, efficiency and effectiveness of the Annual Health Check and Health Action Plan process for people with a learning disability using Hear Me Now.

Clear evidence to the CQC of more personalised care
Hear Me Now case studies clearly demonstrate how providers use Hear Me Now to meet the key CQC requirements around personalised care
Contact us to learn how we can help you
Speak to us about how Hear Me Now can help your organisation to increase independence for people with cognitive impairments in your area.